Clinic Hours
Tuesday: 1-7pm
Wednesday: 1pm-7pm
Friday: 11am-6:00pm
Saturday: 10:30am-3pm
Accepted methods of payment: e-transfer, cash, cheque. Acupuncture services are covered by most insurance plans (please inquire with your insurance company) and are Tax Deductable. Fees are payable by e-transfer, cheque or cash at end of each session, unless other arrangements have been made. There is a $25 charge for NSF cheques. If finances are a barrier to receiving care, special accommodations can be made for individual cases, please contact Nada to discuss your options.
Cancellation Policy: Your appointment time is reserved just for you. A late cancellation or missed visit leaves a hole in the therapists’ day that could have been filled by another patient. As such, we require at least 48 hours notice (1 week or more is preferred) for any cancellations or changes to your appointment, otherwise you will be expected to pay for the missed appointment in full (exceptions in cases of a legitimate emergency).
College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO) membership #3417.